Friday, November 7, 2008
Last Post
That denifantly was the best trip of my life and i loved it.
bye :)
!! Going Home !!
Got to go Bye
Diving at Apo Reef

Oh My Gosh that was Amazing. I have just got back from my dive and the marine life i saw was Awesome, all the marine life i have ever wanted to see was there! i even saw a shark when i accidently swam off a drop off i was so scared but it just gently swan away! I even saw a Turtle which was huge as well as thousands of fish of all different colours they where so beautiful. Out of all the magnificent places i have been this would have to be one of my favouirtes!!

Last Destination :(
oh well i guess it will be and adventure and the coral is meant to be beautiful and i do hope i see the other marine life which i am sure i will as it is everywhere!!
Here is some information about the Apo Reef.

Apo Reef is a Fabulous Diving Spot and is a great place if you want to see Sharks!
The Apo Reef is About 40 kilometres squared, and is well known for its Marine life and drop-offs which are usually vertical walls that go down about 30 to 80 Metres!!! Apo Reef has been declared a marine sanctuary since 1996 which means it is a no go zone for fishermen. Apo Reef is the second largest contiguous Coral reef in the world after the
Camping in Madagascar!

i Have just spent a night in the Isalo National Park and we woke up to a Ring-tailed lemur in our camp site it was So adorable but it quickly ran away!

Isalo National Park Madagscar
I have just arrived in
Unlike the rest of
Climbing Mount Lhotse!

I have just Treked up mount Lhotse and it was one of the greatest adventures ever i loved it. I felt like i was on top of the world and a neally was!! I went with a group of amazing people who loved it as well although it was very tiring and a little hard to breath oh amd i almost forgot how COLD it was. So much colder than Vancouver and Glacier Bay. The view up there would have to be one of the best in the world it was spectualar, amazing breathtaking everything! I Loved it
Tommorow i am setting off to Madagascar so i am ready for the tropics i am a little over the cold!
It will be very warm so that will be good write soon!!