Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This Place is absolutely beautiful I am in a rain forest and on the river at the same time although the river doesn’t look very inviting! And who knows what’s in there!!. Any Way I Have Just been on a tour Through the AMAZON can you believe it I was actually in the Amazon!!!!. It Was Fabulous I can’t believe How GREEN it was. Oh and the Animals where every where it was kind of scary! And I did get to see my Anaconda I was lucky enough to see one when we went on a boat on the river!. I was so scared I thought it could come get me and walking through the rain forest I was worried I would get lost cause that would be pretty much the end. I was looking at a picture and have put one on here but look how much the Amazon River looks like a Snake!!

The People here are so nice and are pretty talkative as well.

Any Way I will tell you More about The Amazon next time sorry got to go bye :)

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