The Amazon Rainforest Is the Biggest Rainforest in the World and covers almost 40% of South America! it is located in 8 countries Brazil, Bilivia, Peru, Ecuador,Colombia, Veneziala, Guyana and Suriname. The Amazon is drained by The 2nd biggest River in the world The Amazon river without this river it would flood. At first The Amazon was a inland sea but when the ice age came and the water levels dropped and it became a river and now has lots of sea life as well. The Amazon rain forest recovered and is back to normal. The Amazon is home to around 30% of the worlds wildlife and plants. The Amazon has the most Deadly fish the Piranha one of the biggest snakes and lot's more scary animals but strangle it also has dolphin's in the river of course. As well as neally every type of bird and a lot of monkeys as well they are so cute! And Thousands of endangered species call the Amazon home. The Amazon's plants have some of the best medicines and can help cure anything from snake bites to Malaria!. The Amazon holds the most plants and trees in the world, there are up to 80 000 plants and around 40 000 of then play a huge role in keep the worlds climate in control. So the Amazon Rainforest plays a huge part in the World and Who knows where we would be without it. Any Way My time has come that i have to go to my next destination the Mississippi River! which i can't wait to go to the US. !)

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