Thursday, November 6, 2008

Siberian Tundra

I am staying in the victory hotel in Irkutsk As it is the only place i could get. It is SO windy here and pretty cold as well. I will be exploring the Siberian Tundra tomorrow and i am sure that will be a great experience.

The Siberian Tundra is located in the North-eastern part of Russia and covers 20% of the earth’s surface just below the polar cap. The Tundras are very windy and can be from 30 to 60 miles per hour. The only plants in the Siberian Tundra are usually Fungus, grasses and shrubs which hug close to the ground to protect themselves from the wind and cold. The only animals in the Tundra are really only birds, fish and insects as well as some other animals that can stand the cold and wind like the Caribou reindeer. The only people in this area are the Yakut people they survive by hunting or trapping their food.

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