Friday, November 7, 2008
Last Post
That denifantly was the best trip of my life and i loved it.
bye :)
!! Going Home !!
Got to go Bye
Diving at Apo Reef

Oh My Gosh that was Amazing. I have just got back from my dive and the marine life i saw was Awesome, all the marine life i have ever wanted to see was there! i even saw a shark when i accidently swam off a drop off i was so scared but it just gently swan away! I even saw a Turtle which was huge as well as thousands of fish of all different colours they where so beautiful. Out of all the magnificent places i have been this would have to be one of my favouirtes!!

Last Destination :(
oh well i guess it will be and adventure and the coral is meant to be beautiful and i do hope i see the other marine life which i am sure i will as it is everywhere!!
Here is some information about the Apo Reef.

Apo Reef is a Fabulous Diving Spot and is a great place if you want to see Sharks!
The Apo Reef is About 40 kilometres squared, and is well known for its Marine life and drop-offs which are usually vertical walls that go down about 30 to 80 Metres!!! Apo Reef has been declared a marine sanctuary since 1996 which means it is a no go zone for fishermen. Apo Reef is the second largest contiguous Coral reef in the world after the
Camping in Madagascar!

i Have just spent a night in the Isalo National Park and we woke up to a Ring-tailed lemur in our camp site it was So adorable but it quickly ran away!

Isalo National Park Madagscar
I have just arrived in
Unlike the rest of
Climbing Mount Lhotse!

I have just Treked up mount Lhotse and it was one of the greatest adventures ever i loved it. I felt like i was on top of the world and a neally was!! I went with a group of amazing people who loved it as well although it was very tiring and a little hard to breath oh amd i almost forgot how COLD it was. So much colder than Vancouver and Glacier Bay. The view up there would have to be one of the best in the world it was spectualar, amazing breathtaking everything! I Loved it
Tommorow i am setting off to Madagascar so i am ready for the tropics i am a little over the cold!
It will be very warm so that will be good write soon!!
Mount Lhotse Nepal
Thursday, November 6, 2008
write soon!
Siberian Tundra

I am staying in the victory hotel in Irkutsk As it is the only place i could get. It is SO windy here and pretty cold as well. I will be exploring the Siberian Tundra tomorrow and i am sure that will be a great experience.
The Siberian Tundra is located in the North-eastern part of

Today was one of the most amazing days of my life and as i said i will remember this forever. Just seeing the glaciers was definatly breathtaking and watching them smash in to the water was amazing it is so sad to think that this place is beeing affected by globalwarming and could one day not be here is terrible. It was so wonderfuli got to see whales and little sea lions oh and a moose i have never seen a moose or sea lion before they are SSSoooooooo cute!.

Glacier Bay

The Glacier bay has 12 tidewater Glaciers lots of ice sheets and about 200 smaller glaciers. The Glacier Bay is located in The Glacier Bay nationalpark which is on the southeast alaska Coast.
Finally Here
Off To Alaska

Canadian Coastline

I am travailing down the a part of Canada’s coastline and I have just reached Lion Bay and will be driving to Poteau Soon. The Coast is absolutely beautiful as everyone has said. The Canadian Coast is the longest Coast line in the world and it would actually take you 33 years to walk around it as it is 243,792 km. The Coast means a lot to the Canadians and each year the Canadians invest around 1 billion dollars on projects based on the coast. The Canadian coastline also needs a lot of protection from erosion and a lot of that money is spent on keeping it from eroding. Some of the Worlds largest natural wetlands are found in the regions on the coastline. The Canadian Coast line extends along the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans as well as alot of fresh water rivers and lakes.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mississippi River Trail
Today I Rode my Bike on the Iowa Mississippi River Trail Although I only went through It was SO tiring although the View was spectacular and differently a site to see. Any way I am off to my
The Mississippi River

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunrise over the Mississippi

The Amazon

The Amazon Rainforest Is the Biggest Rainforest in the World and covers almost 40% of South America! it is located in 8 countries Brazil, Bilivia, Peru, Ecuador,Colombia, Veneziala, Guyana and Suriname. The Amazon is drained by The 2nd biggest River in the world The Amazon river without this river it would flood. At first The Amazon was a inland sea but when the ice age came and the water levels dropped and it became a river and now has lots of sea life as well. The Amazon rain forest recovered and is back to normal. The Amazon is home to around 30% of the worlds wildlife and plants. The Amazon has the most Deadly fish the Piranha one of the biggest snakes and lot's more scary animals but strangle it also has dolphin's in the river of course. As well as neally every type of bird and a lot of monkeys as well they are so cute! And Thousands of endangered species call the Amazon home. The Amazon's plants have some of the best medicines and can help cure anything from snake bites to Malaria!. The Amazon holds the most plants and trees in the world, there are up to 80 000 plants and around 40 000 of then play a huge role in keep the worlds climate in control. So the Amazon Rainforest plays a huge part in the World and Who knows where we would be without it. Any Way My time has come that i have to go to my next destination the Mississippi River! which i can't wait to go to the US. !)

This Place is absolutely beautiful I am in a rain forest and on the river at the same time although the river doesn’t look very inviting! And who knows what’s in there!!. Any Way I Have Just been on a tour Through the AMAZON can you believe it I was actually in the Amazon!!!!. It Was Fabulous I can’t believe How GREEN it was. Oh and the Animals where every where it was kind of scary! And I did get to see my Anaconda I was lucky enough to see one when we went on a boat on the river!. I was so scared I thought it could come get me and walking through the rain forest I was worried I would get lost cause that would be pretty much the end. I was looking at a picture and have put one on here but look how much the
The People here are so nice and are pretty talkative as well.
Any Way I will tell you More about The Amazon next time sorry got to go bye :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Manaus Airport Brazil

I Have just arrived at Manaus National Airport and i think i can see my taxi which will take me to the spot i have to get off and catch a boat to my Lodge Which is the Amazon Ecopark Lodge. The eco park Lodge is actually build in the Amazon basin and is on the banks of Rio Taruma aka the Black river. It is surrounded by the Amazons Flora and there are supposed to be lots of wildlife there as well! i Can't Wait till i am actually in The Rain forest anyway got to go !!
Boat Trip

Hiking In The Wetlands

Saturday, November 1, 2008
The Pousada Piuval Lodge !

I am finally here at my second Destination the Pantanal wetlands. I have just arrived at my Lodge the Pousada Piuval in Pantanal and am in my room half asleep writing on my blog after catching a taxi from